key expiration

CL Gilbert
Fri Aug 1 20:07:01 2003

Hash: SHA1

The private key export is missing the signature packets on the first 2
IDs.  I guess thats why they show as revoked.  must be a bug.

CL Gilbert wrote:
| Its beginning to look like a keyserver issue.  I dont think some servers
| are liking the 'never' option for key expiration.
| So either gpg is not sending the date to the servers correctly, or the
| servers are not liking the 'never' option.
| I exported as .asc file.  the public key export imports perfectly.  The
| private key is a different story.
| First the private key import has the first 2 ids as revoked.  Second, it
| has the first encryption subkey expiring as never(which is wrong.)
| Note, those first 2 ids were created long ago when I was still using
| pgp.  but i since 'updated' my preferences so that they are the same as
| the las 2 IDs.  So I do not konw what is still so special about them
| they they are listed as revoked.
| is their a way gpg can tell whats in the asc file without importing it?
| David Shaw wrote:
| | On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 10:59:15AM -0400, David Shaw wrote:
| |
| |>On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 10:43:36AM -0400, CL Gilbert wrote:
| |>
| |>>I just removed all of my subkeys from this key.  Its still showing the
| |>>same expiration date in PGP.  Where could it be getting the date from?
| |>>Can the top key expire?
| |>>
| |>>PGP shows it as DH/DSS, size 1024, created 9/14/02, expiring 9/14/03
| |>>
| |>>Where else could the date be stored here?  this is a key pair
right? but
| |>>without a sub key!?
| |>>
| |>>Just trying to dig deeper.
| |>
| |>Send me a copy of this shortened key exported from PGP.  I want to
| |>make sure that what I am seeing is exactly what you have, so I cannot
| |>get it from the keyserver.
| |
| |
| | Okay, I looked at it, and your problem seems to be a 1-year key
| | expiration date set on the photo ID.
| |
| | That said, I don't know why PGP is using that particular expiration
| | date since there are later self-sigs that give a 10-year expiration
| | date.  My copy of PGP (8.02) shows it correctly as 10 years.
| |
| | David
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Thank you,

CL Gilbert
"Then said I, Wisdom [is] better than strength: nevertheless the poor
man's wisdom [is] despised, and his words are not heard." Ecclesiastes 9:16

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