Evolution signatures

Adam Pavelec apavelec@benefit-services.com
Tue Aug 5 17:30:02 2003

This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 2440 and 3156)
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Timo Schulz wrote:

>>messages from any other source.  So, I am eagerly awaiting the time when
>>someone writes a PGP/MIME plug-in for OE.  I highly doubt Microsoft will
>>implement it anytime soon.  It /is/ rather comical to receive their

> With OE you mean the Express version, right?
> I don't think that anybody will do this since it is *not* possible.
> There is no interface for plug-in's or to access the internal mail
> structure directly. And thus it's difficult to change the needed
> headers and the message body.

I am not sure how it was done, but the author of OE-QuoteFix 
<http://home.in.tum.de/~jain/software/oe-quotefix/> has seemed to access 
the internal mail structure with his OE helper application.

<DISCLAIMER>Sorry if this message is mangled -- I am currently retesting 


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