list problem

Ingo Klöcker ingo.kloecker at
Sat Nov 8 18:07:05 CET 2003

On Saturday 08 November 2003 15:14, Neil Williams wrote:
> On Saturday 08 Nov 2003 1:16 am, Carl William Spitzer IV wrote:
> > I have tried signing messages with evolution it seems it attached
> > the signature not inline.
> You mean Evolution is attaching the GnuPG signature as S/MIME (just
> as this one is S/MIME via KMail) - I'm afraid last time it was
> discussed, Evolution deemed this unworthy of fixing and you're stuck
> with S/MIME if you continue to use Evolution. The alternatives are
> Mozilla+Enigmail, KMail or Mutt. (I think Mutt does inline - can
> someone please verify?)

You are confusing PGP/MIME (as defined in RFC 3156 "MIME Security with 
OpenPGP") with S/MIME. All occurrences of S/MIME in your message have 
to be replaced with PGP/MIME. S/MIME is something completely different 
(well, not completely different but still different enough).

For what it's worth, at least KMail (with plugin) and Mutt (at least the 
special version of the Aegypten project using the same plugin as KMail) 
can also handle S/MIME. The old Netscape email client also used to know 
S/MIME. I don't know about Mozilla or Evolution.

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