GnuPG 1.2.1 For Solaris 5.5.1 Sparc

=?Big5?B?Q1RUc2VuZyi0v7JNtMUp?= CTTseng at
Fri Nov 14 17:13:30 CET 2003

    I have one server which OS is Solaris 5.5.1 Sparc.  I had install GPG 1.
2.1 & Zlib 1.1.4 & Prngd 0.9.25 & snprintf 2.2 & gcc 3.3.2 for for Solaris
5.5.1 Sparc. I had start Prngd daemon . I had success to generate key &
import other public key, but when I want to encrypt file , system show {
gpg: some signal caught ... exiting  Segmentation Fault  }, can you help me?
My pkginfo
application SMCgcc         gcc
application SMCgnupg       gnupg
application SMCprngd       prngd
application SMCsnpri       snprintf
Encrypt file
gpg --encrypt --recipient my_key --output test.gpg test.txt
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