Migrating keys

David Shaw dshaw at jabberwocky.com
Mon Nov 24 18:09:50 CET 2003

On Mon, Nov 24, 2003 at 11:49:28PM +0100, Jens Kubieziel wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm planning to migrate to a new generated key (0x38CB4232). Currently i
> have lots of signatures on my recent key (0xEE0977E8). Therefore I'm
> planning to write all signees an signed and encrypted mail requesting for
> a signature to my new key. Because they verified my old key and I through
> signing with my old key I assure that also the new key belongs to me.
> Do you think that behaviour is appropriate or do I have an error in
> reasoning?

The problem with this is that lacking some additional information,
your old signers do not know if you are you, or if you are someone
else who has stolen your old key.


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