notion conventions: OpenPGP, PGP/MIME, ASCII Armor, inline,
Martin Bretschneider
Mon Sep 15 21:04:01 2003
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I'm a bit confused about the notions in the GnuPG environment:
Up to now I thought that there are two main methods how OpenPGP can be
used in muas: The old ASCII Armor method that has the PGP header in the
body of the email and the newer one PGP/MIME method that puts the
signature in an MIME-attachment (RFC 2015 and RFC 3156).
But today Alexander Zangerl, the author of kuvert, a outbound filter
that does OpenPGP actions on outgoing mai, told me that ASCII Armor is
also used within PGP/MIME. I found in RFC 1991 2.4.1 this description:
ASCII Armor is created by concatenating the following data:
- An Armor Headerline, appropriate for the type of data
- Armor Headers
- A blank line
- The ASCII-Armored data
- An Armor Checksum
- The Armor Tail (which depends on the Armor Headerline).
Yes, the signature in the MIME attachment is ASCII armored, just as in
the method that I thought that named ASCII Armor. So, how to call the
"old way". Inline, emebedded? I scanned the RFCs but could not found it.
And what's about PGP/MIME. I already read these notions: PGP/MIME,
PGP-MIME, OpenPGP/MIME, OpenPGP. I asked this single question some
months ago in this ML and you told me that PGP/MIME is the one but a lot
of (experienced) people seem not to really know the real notion. I can
understand this, since I would prefer OpenPGP/MIME over PGP/MIME since
OpenPGP ist the standard, not PGP.
What do you think?
Kind regards from Germany
-- OpenPGP_0x4EA52583
(o__ (O_ Ernest Hemingway:
//\' //\ I like to listen. I have learned a great deal
V_/_ V_/_ from listening carefully. Most people never listen.
Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)