pgp/mime vs in-line pgp

Stewart V. Wright svwright+lists at
Wed Apr 14 19:34:41 CEST 2004

G'day Atom,

* Atom 'Smasher' <atom-gpg at> [040414 18:09]:
> inline signatures don't ~break~ list footers, but since the footers exist
> outside of the pgp headers, they tend to not be displayed after the
> message is piped through gpg. at least that's the way pine handles it with
> ez-pine-gpg and the other gpg filters i've tried.

That is a _seriously_ broken tool that you're using.  How are you to
know whether something important (but not signed) is included after a
signed message?  What if someone (who doesn't use GPG) forwarded a
signed message to you and then made comments after the included
message?  Ugh!  I'd try to get your system fixed and use mutt, or some
other working MUA...

> i consider this a good thing, at least for lists where adverts are added
> to the bottom of every email  ;)

I would like someone (*Hint*) to use the '-- ' standard for their
"advertising", oops, sorry, signature.  Try Googling on
sig.etiquette...  :)

(Now I'm off to have another cup of coffee to stop being so grumpy...)

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