Problems importing public key

Neil Williams linux at
Fri Apr 16 23:58:41 CEST 2004

On Friday 16 Apr 2004 9:12, Dennis Lambe Jr. wrote:
> P.S. What exactly are the issues with Evolution and PGP/MIME?  People

I thought the problems were with Evolution and INLINE - Evolution developers 
apparently said that inline sigs would never be supported by Evolution.

> keep saying "it doesn't work quite right" but I've never had a problem,
> and nobody's ever said how it fails when it does, or why.

If PGP/MIME doesn't quite work and inline is unsupported, it doesn't look 

Your signatures have always verified perfectly in KMail and Mutt, like almost 
everyone else on this list. I've only had a handful of bad signatures and 
each of these was down to me fiddling with the maildrop features etc. because 
others were able to verify the same message OK.


Neil Williams
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