Are .ems attachments necessary?

Ingo Klöcker ingo.kloecker at
Fri Feb 6 00:51:08 CET 2004

On Friday 06 February 2004 00:14, W. D. wrote:
> Hi people,
> I just joined this group a few days ago, and am finding
> that some of the email messages are contained in .ems
> attachments.

.ems attachments? Those are probably messages with detached signatures 
(aka PGP/MIME). Unless you tell us message from which senders contain 
".ems attachments" we can't answer this question for sure. Does my 
message which is PGP/MIME signed have a ".ems attachment"?

If Eudora really can't handle PGP/MIME messages then I suggest to use 
another mail client. The other Windows users on this list will surely 
be able to suggest a better mail client.

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