MUA questions

Ingo Klöcker ingo.kloecker at
Sat Feb 7 16:01:28 CET 2004

On Friday 06 February 2004 11:33, Johan Wevers wrote:
> Ingo [Kl_cker] wrote:
> >Yeah, let's make all people on the world use the 26 Latin
> > characters. Why would anyone need umlauts, accents, Greek letters,
> > Cyrillic letters, Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, or any other character
> > set?
> Yeah, why not adapt computersystems to use hyroglyphs, rhunes and
> cuneiforms too. All very usefull. Noone cares that the message
> sizes grow significantly, we all have glass fiber lines to our
> houses and don't pay for traffic volumes anyway.
> The only good thing about messages in the character sets you mention
> is that it's an easy way to recognise them as spam.
> As for Greek chars, we have the TeX encoding (\alpha, \beta, etc.).
> That works reliably on ALL screens and systems.

Did you notice that you contradict yourself? In the first paragraph you 
complain that the message size grows significantly. And in the third 
paragraph you propose to use \alpha which is significantly larger than 
alpha in a Greek charset or even in Unicode.

Your attitude towards everyone who doesn't fit in your small 7-bit world 
sucks tremendously.

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