header modification from this list list manager software

Neil Williams linux at codehelp.co.uk
Sun Jan 11 15:33:22 CET 2004

On Sunday 11 Jan 2004 2:49 pm, Richard J. Cattien wrote:
> Hi,
> could it be, that the list managing software for this mailinglist
> modifies the headerinformation?

Yes. The signed part is still there but the complete email has to be declared 
as mixed because there is some text added to the email after the signed part:

Gnupg-users mailing list
Gnupg-users at gnupg.org

This adds another section to the email - one that is not signed.

KMail shows it as:
multipart/mixed containing:
	plain text quoted inline
	detached openPGP sgnature
	plain text.

When it leaves your machine, it just has the middle three.

The mailing list manager also adds helpful headers like, what this list is, 
how to unsubscribe, how to identify the list in filters, where the archives 
are, etc.

> this leads my mutt to not detecting signed mails as signed and reports
> that the Signature could not be verified (Well, the gpg output is
> correct)

Others are using mutt without apparent problems, perhaps there's a 
configuration you've changed / omitted?

I'm only just getting used to mutt and haven't used it for mailing lists yet, 
others on the list should be able to clarify what's happening in your case.


Neil Williams

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