Pinentry Problem

Werner Koch wk at
Mon Jan 12 19:06:14 CET 2004

On Sun, 28 Dec 2003 13:47:16 +0100, Andreas Woithon said:

> I have the following problem with pinentry 0.6.9-133 under SuSE Professional
> 9.0, installation from scratch:

Sorry, I don't know SuSE's version of pinentry.  You may want to try
the latest one (0.7.0) from

> and "getpin". Some key combinations (like shift-3 or shift-5) produce wrong
> results (like %25 for shift-5). I guess that's te reason why the passphrase

That is the correct value for a regular US-keyboard.  Some characters
need to be escaped using percent sequence, thus we also need to escape
the percent character itself.  gpg-agent de-escapes the stuff when
reading from pinentry.


Werner Koch                                      <wk at>
The GnuPG Experts                      
Free Software Foundation Europe        

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