UTF8 passphrase problem (I think)

Tom Hardy rhardy at visi.com
Sat Jul 24 02:34:32 CEST 2004

Holger Sesterhenn wrote:

> Hi Tom,

> Have you ever tried to use the evaluation version of PGP to clear the
> passphrases, export the keys and import them with GnuPG?
> Or use the old PGP for linux version? (5.x)
I just downloaded PGP 5.0 source and binary RPM's from somewhere on the
net.  :-)  Haven't done anything with them--don't know I can trust 'em.

Do you have anything like an official source for PGP for linux?

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure I have PGP 5.0 for Windows around
here somewhere, I'll just have to rummage around for it.


Tom Hardy  <*>  rhardy at visi.com  <*>  http://www.visi.com/~rhardy
  Just don't create a file called -rf. --Larry Wall

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