how to recover a clearsigned file?

Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder avbidder at
Tue Mar 30 11:33:27 CEST 2004

On Saturday 27 March 2004 19.51, David Roundy wrote:

> I'm wondering whether there is a correct way to recover the contents
> of a clearsigned text file?  The --decrypt command seems to almost do
> this, except that it corrupts lines that contain only a space (it
> removes the space).  Why is it that --decrypt does this? Is it a bug?


You may want to read what RFC2440 says about clearsigning. Note that 
there is a draft of the successor for rfc2440, and the isse of end of 
line space is slightly changed, IIRC. Google for rfc2440bis-11 (or was 
it -10?).

In short: clearsigning is supposed to remove spaces at the end of a 
line, because that is one area where mail programs and editors often 
have such behaviour, so if such space where calculated in, clearsigned 
files would easily be unintentionally broken.

-- vbi

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