file types for textmode and armor

Dirk Traulsen Dirk.Traulsen at
Wed Oct 13 23:36:21 CEST 2004


I have some more questions concerning --textmode and --armor:

1. --textmode specifies a file as textfile, so while decryption
   gpg can adjust the end-of-file characters fitting to the 
   actual system.
   What kind of files are candidates for --textmode?  
2. When sent per e-mail, what kind of files could need armoring?
   How are they specified? 
3. Does armoring a detached signature .sig file with 
   "gpg -ba file" make sense?

4. In the gpg man-page under EXAMPLES there is "gpg -sb  file".
   Why is it not just "gpg -b file"? Is there a difference?

5. Is there a place where I could find in-depth information
   about gpg? I read the man-page, the manual and what I could
   find on the net, but it is mostly for beginners. 
   (Still thinking of myself as one, but trying to learn more...)

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