Question regarding GpgMe

harry_b at harry_b at
Thu Apr 7 08:48:57 CEST 2005


I am working on an application which has its datafile encrypted using the 
GpgMe library. So far everything is fine except that I have to tell it with 
each program start which keys to use for encrypting the data.

I would just like to reencrypt the file with the same keys which were used 
before. The question now is, how can I find out which keys the message was 
encrypted for?

When I run 'gpg --decrypt FILE', all the keys are listed before the 
decryption is performed. How can I get this information using GpgMe?

Any hints are highly welcome!!

TIA, Harry


1024D/40F14012 18F3 736A 4080 303C E61E  2E72 7E05 1F6E 40F1 4012

Version: 3.12
GIT/S dx s: a C++ ULS++++$ P+++ L+++$ !E W++ N+ o? K? !w !O !M
V PS+ PE Y? PGP+++ t+ 5-- X+ R+ !tv b++ DI++ D+ G e* h r++ y++
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