gnupg in large scale at University

Werner Koch wk at
Sat Dec 24 13:57:06 CET 2005

On Fri, 23 Dec 2005 18:47:56 +0100, Thomas Widhalm said:

> I need a plugin for Outlook which support gpg/MIME and maybe inline gpg. (Not 
> Gdata, this didn't work out)

GPGol supports reaading PGP/MIME encrypted messages.  The user
interface is not very nice because it is only possible save
attachments from such mails, but well it works and you can read
PGP/MIME encrypted mails.  Works only well with OL2003SP2 - older
versions may or may not work.  Creating PGP/MIME messages is not
possible becuase there is no way to set the content-type from a
plugin.  I have been thinking of a hack but that would require changes
to all other mail clients (Foo-Content-Type to override the actual

Check out for an executable version.
That installer includes a lot of other software too; I have no current
stripped down version available.  GPGol itself is just one DLL.  IF
you have access to a current Debian system you can build GPGol from
the sources available at

Setting up a PKI is a complex task for both formats X.509 and OpenPGP;
so I can't tell you how to do this in a few sentences.



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