GnuPG ME: How do we use the --keyring GnuPG option via GnuPG ME?

mconahan at mconahan at
Thu Feb 10 20:29:39 CET 2005

Werner Koch wrote:

>On Wed, 09 Feb 2005 09:58:35 -0500, mconahan at iotest org said:
>>GnuPG options "--homedir", "--keyring", "--no-default-keyring", and
>>"--secret-keyring" for a context (at a minmum I need the use of the
>>latter three)?
>No. We won't even support  --keyring in the future because the concept
>of a keyring may change over time.  The only configuration which makes
>sense is a different homedir.
>>If there is not a way 'out of the box', where in the GPGME source
>>would I have to add the above GnuPG arguments, in order to have them
>>sent to GnuPG along with the rest of the arguments already specified
>>in the context? Would it be the function "build_argv" in rungpg.c?
>This should work for you, however there is no guantee that this will
>work in the future.  Better plan ahead and make use of different
>Homedirs than to switch keyrings.  One goal of gpgme is to hide the
>actual implementation of the engine and the keyring is such a thing.
>Even the notation of a homedir might eventually be different between
>gpgme and a backend engine (i.e. gpg).
>   Werner
Thanks for the feedback - understood.

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