Backup with encryption

mconahan at mconahan at
Tue Feb 15 19:41:51 CET 2005

Bastien Laporte-Riou wrote:

> I work actually on a system of backup on my server and to secure my data i 
>encrypt it with gnupg. But i have a problem, actually i have export my 
>public key and i don't know how to export my secret-key because if i have a 
>crash on my server all my data could not be decryt because i haven't the 
>secret key i have made a test. Then my question how can i made a backup ok 
>my secret-key to decrypt my data before a crash?
>Thanks for your answer.
>Excuse my english i am french.
>Best Regards.
I recommend backing up your public and private keyring files 
"pubring.gpg" and "secring.gpg" located in your gpg home directory.  If 
your server crashes, simply obain gpg, install, and place your keyring 
backup files in the gpg home directory, and everything should be cool.

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