Backup with encryption

Mads Munch Hansen mads at
Thu Feb 17 21:46:05 CET 2005

Dany Nativel wrote:
> What about Duplicity ?
> Dany
> Mads Munch Hansen wrote:
>> That would mean he would have to input a passphrase everytime he does a
>> backups, or make a script that does it for him, which could be a
>> potential security risk. By using a public key, the backups can be done
>> unatended with no risk of passphrase being compromised if the script(s)
>> are. (it would be a good idea nontheless to keep the secret key on
>> another system though)
>> Regards
>> Mads

 From what I (causually) read on the site I coulden't determine weather
it used symetric encrytpion or not.. Are you familiar with it?

- Mads
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