GPG for windows

markus reichelt ml at
Fri Feb 25 22:46:28 CET 2005

Melissa Reese <mreese at> wrote:
> Well, I've tried Mutt (in Linux), along with all sorts of other email
> clients in both Windows and Linux, and I've come to the conclusion
> that I'll use a particular email client first and foremost *because of
> how it can handle email*, then I'll decide the best way to use GnuPG
> and/or PGP with it.

same here, only that I include GnuPG handling as obligatory and not
negotiable. Additionally I'm really fond of plain ascii-configs, it's
a kind of fetish - I'm sure of that after years of testing ;-)

So, while we are discussing email clients (not) able of handling
GnuPG correctly/at all, the most complete listing I've found is at

Bastard Administrator in $hell

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