useless test keys and keyservers

Melissa Reese mreese at
Mon Feb 28 19:19:00 CET 2005

Hi David,

On Monday, February 28, 2005, at 6:33:06 AM PST, you wrote:

> How about just purging a Key that's had no activity in X amount of
> time, say Six months?

I think Neil made some interesting points about the automatic purging
option, but I am very interested in a couple things the new PGP Global
Directory beta makes possible, which allows a key owner to not only
remove their own keys from the keyserver, but also to decide whether
or not their keys are uploaded to the keyserver in the first place.
These are two things I've been wanting to see for a long time, and
wouldn't mind if all the keyservers adopted these options.

> On a side note, does anyone know of any way to get Thunderbird (And
> presumably other email clients as well) to reply to the list address
> instead of the person writing the email for this list? This seems to
> be the only one I'm having a problem with.

I'll have to look into the possibilities of Thunderbird some more, but
in my default email client, "The Bat!", I can accomplish this in a few
different ways; by using macros in a reply template based on the
folder (any reply message generated when replying to a message from my
"gnupg users Inbox" folder), address book entry template, or "quick
template" (which can be invoked manually). I've also created a "quick
template" that I can invoke manually if I want to reply off-list to
the original sender of a message instead of to the list.

Many lists will generate their own "reply to" header, in which case I
wouldn't need to do what I've described above, but for this list and a
couple others, I need to use template macros to get reply messages
like this to automatically put the list address in the "To" field of
reply messages.


PGP public keys:
mailto:pgp_keys at

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