--list-keys --with-colons

Jens Kubieziel gnupg at kubieziel.de
Tue Jan 25 15:48:50 CET 2005

* Sascha Kiefer schrieb am 2005-01-25 um 14:33 Uhr:
> if i run gpg.exe --list-keys --with-colons i get something like
> pub:-:1024:17:B08719A2FF50BAD1:2005-01-20:::-:Sascha Kiefer (Test 2) <sak at dialogika.de>::scaESCA:
> can you explain the different fields?

There is a file DETAILS.gz which explains all those fields.

> e.g. what does 17 (or 16) mean after the key size?

from DETAILS.gz:
 4. Field:  Algorithm:  1 = RSA
                       16 = Elgamal (encrypt only)
                       17 = DSA (sometimes called DH, sign only)
                       20 = Elgamal (sign and encrypt)
            (for other id's see include/cipher.h)

Jens Kubieziel                                   http://www.kubieziel.de
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