Are all the UIDs on a key supposed to be equal?

Neil Williams linux at
Wed Jan 26 10:27:19 CET 2005

On Tuesday 25 January 2005 9:08 pm, Adam Funk wrote:
> Are all the user-ids (combinations of name, e-mail address and comment)
> equal, or can one be the "primary" one?

gpg --edit-key

Command> uid 3
Command> primary

primary is only available when the secret key is also available.

> I started to generate a new key because the old has several obsolete
> e-mail addresses in the UIDs.  I gave my "main" e-mail address and
> comment in response to the "gpg --gen-key" prompts, then used "gpg
> --edit-key" to add UIDs.  When I then listed the key, they were out of
> order.  I had been under the impression (maybe it was just coincidence
> with my previous key) that the first UID is the main one.

GnuPG assumes the most recent on (IIRC) unless primary is used.


Neil Williams

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