Are all the UIDs on a key supposed to be equal?

Benjamin Esham bdesham at
Wed Jan 26 22:19:00 CET 2005

On Jan 26, 2005, at 1:40 AM, Erwan David wrote:

> You can also revoke uids on your key; which indicates juste a change
> of address, but you keep being the same person. If you look at my key
> (0xF7001FC7 on public servers), you see it bears following Ids:
> gpg: using classic trust model
> pub   1024D/F7001FC7 1998-12-14
> uid                  Erwan David <erwan at>
> uid       [ revoked] Erwan David <Erwan.David at>
> uid       [ revoked] Erwan David <Erwan.David at>
> uid       [ revoked] Erwan David (Adresse Perso) 
> <Erwan.David at>
> sub   2048g/016C3D2F 1998-12-14

Recently I changed e-mail addresses.  In order to update my GPG keys,
should I just generate a new subkey and revoke the old ones?  What
effect(s) will revoking my old subkeys have?

Thanks for the info!

Benjamin D. Esham        {
bdesham at        }        AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Six Gmail invites -- e-mail me if you're interested.

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