SmartCard doesn't work

Werner Koch wk at
Mon Jun 20 15:01:15 CEST 2005

On Mon, 20 Jun 2005 11:26:32 +0200, Ralf Cordes said:

> PIN retry counter : 3 0 3

That is not a real problem.  The CHV2 tries have been used up.  In
general CHV1 and CHV2 are synced however when you enter a wrong PIN
the corrsponding CHV's retry counter gets decremented.

Please check why you entered the wrong PIN before restting the retry
counter.  The factory default PIN is "123456" without the quotes.

To reset the PIN counter, enter on the command line:

  gpg --card-edit





and the select 2 for unblocking the PIN.  You are then asked for the
Admin PIN (CHV3); the factory default for it is "12345678".  Enter it
and check whether the counters are all back to 3 by ysing the command
"list".  If you are bnot sure of the AdminPIN anymore, don't keep on
trying but check the used software first and think hardwhether you
really changed the ADminPIN or whether it is still at the default



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