the best signature type someone can give me

David Shaw dshaw at
Mon Oct 31 19:44:53 CET 2005

On Mon, Oct 31, 2005 at 10:16:55AM +0100, Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
> David Shaw wrote:
> >It is not suggested.  NR signatures are useful in very specific
> >circumstances, and regular people signing other people's keys are not
> >one of those circumstances.
> >
> Can you tell me one of these circumstances, I can't imagine one *g*

Well, aside from this one:
> >It's not necessarily a benefit to you
> >that someone can't revoke a signature - if you lose your key and can't
> >revoke it, you'd want your signers to revoke their signatures.

It also doesn't take into account the very human possibility of
mistake.  If you sign by accident, you really don't want it to be a NR

> >Trust signatures are not generally useful outside of hierarchal
> >company-type environments.
> > 
> >
> Same as above,.. what would be an example where someone could use this? 
> How does it work at all, I mean what does a trust signature tell the 
> WoT? And what does the level of it mean?

First, read this:

Then, read this:


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