Multi-user gpg-agent question

Werner Koch wk at
Mon Aug 21 10:32:57 CEST 2006

On Sun, 20 Aug 2006 07:21, Dylan Vaughn said:

> The issue is that after I start gpg-agent for one user, it does not work
> for any other user on my machine.  For example, after I do an initial

Well, you need to start it for each user.

> subsequent decrypt calls, then when I switch to a different user on my
> machine and try to do the same thing gpg-agent doesn't prompt me for my
> passphrase on the initial attempt and instead gives me this message:
> dylan2 at sunbeam:~/test$ eval "$(gpg-agent --daemon)"
> dylan2 at sunbeam:~/test$ gpg -o clear.txt -d test.txt.asc

The invocation og gpg-agent may have failed.  You better run gpg-agent
this way for testing:

  gpg-agent --daemon

it should emit the the following lines:

  GPG_AGENT_INFO=/tmp/gpg-3JMzhv/S.gpg-agent:32230:1; export GPG_AGENT_INFO;
  SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/gpg-gA6FYU/S.gpg-agent.ssh; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;
  SSH_AGENT_PID=32230; export SSH_AGENT_PID;

The SSH lines are because I have enable-ssh-support in my
gpg-agent.conf.  That is what the eval evaluates.  Now cut+paste the
GPG_AGENT_INFO line into the shell to manually do the eval. Then you
can test whether it works:

  $ gpg-connect-agent

enter for example


and the pinentry will appear to ask you about foo.  Click on OK and
you will seethe OK :-).  Ctrl-D terminates gpg-connect-agent.  You may
run it with the option --verbose to see sonme diagnostics.

The best way to debug it is by invoking gpg in a different way:

  $ gpg-agent --daemon --debug 1024 /bin/sh
  gpg-agent[32264]: reading options from `/home/test/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf'
  gpg-agent[32264]: listening on socket `/tmp/gpg-g4KTHx/S.gpg-agent'
  gpg-agent[32264]: listening on socket `/tmp/gpg-MxP8eV/S.gpg-agent.ssh'

This runs a shell under the control of the gpg-agent and also sets up
the environment variables.  How you may use gpg --use-agent at this
shell but we want to try it manually:

  sh-3.00$ gpg-connect-agent
  gpg-agent[32265]: handler 0x808cae0 for fd 0 started
  gpg-agent[32265.0x808cde8] DBG: -> OK Pleased to meet you
  gpg-agent[32265.0x808cde8] DBG: <- RESET
  gpg-agent[32265.0x808cde8] DBG: -> OK
  gpg-agent[32265.0x808cde8] DBG: <- OPTION display=localhost:11.0
  gpg-agent[32265.0x808cde8] DBG: -> OK
  gpg-agent[32265.0x808cde8] DBG: <- OPTION ttyname=/dev/pts/2
  gpg-agent[32265.0x808cde8] DBG: -> OK
  gpg-agent[32265.0x808cde8] DBG: <- OPTION ttytype=xterm
  gpg-agent[32265.0x808cde8] DBG: -> OK
  gpg-agent[32265.0x808cde8] DBG: <- OPTION lc-ctype=en_US
  gpg-agent[32265.0x808cde8] DBG: -> OK
  gpg-agent[32265.0x808cde8] DBG: <- OPTION lc-messages=C
  gpg-agent[32265.0x808cde8] DBG: -> OK

Here we have connected succesfully to the agent and the inital
handshake has been done.  "debug 1024" let you see all this. Now we


and gpg-agent does its magic:

  gpg-agent[32265.0x808cde8] DBG: <- GET_CONFIRMATION bar
  gpg-agent[32265]: starting a new PIN Entry
  gpg-agent[32265]: DBG: connection to PIN entry established
  gpg-agent[32265]: command get_confirmation failed: Not confirmed
  gpg-agent[32265.0x808cde8] DBG: -> ERR 67108978 Not confirmed <GPG Agent>

Well I clicked on cancel and gpg-agent returned

  ERR 67108978 Not confirmed <GPG Agent>

the status code for cancel

  gpg-agent[32265.0x808cde8] DBG: <- [EOF]
  gpg-agent[32265]: handler 0x808cae0 for fd 0 terminated

gpg-connect-agent has disconnected from the agent.  and we want to
terminate the agent too:
  sh-3.00$ exit
  $ gpg-agent[32265]: parent process died - shutting down
  gpg-agent[32265]: gpg-agent (GnuPG) 1.9.23-svn4218 stopped
  gpg-agent[32265]: secmem usage: 0/16384 bytes in 0 blocks
System is clean again and ready for another test ;-)

I hope this helps to understand how the agaent works.  The actual
command gpg uses to get the passphrase is:


(enter the X verbatim).

You should also read the manual where the installation of the
gpg-agent ins described.  The manual is in info format, thus enter
"info gnupg".  The next version will also come with man pages
automatically created from the Texinfo source.



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