How to verify the file was successfully encrypted...

George Ross gdmr at
Thu Jul 13 09:24:33 CEST 2006

> > BTW, why are you encrypting these files anyway?  If someone broke into 
> > your computer they could just steal the crypto key too.
> Excellent question!  Truth be told, as soon as they are encrypted,
> they're being moved to another server in another location, and then are
> being burned to CD and moved to a safety deposit box.

How about if you append a hash of the file to the file, and encrypt that 
too?  Then have the remote machine do the trial decrypt-and-check-hash.  If 
all is OK the remote machine can then tell the local one to delete the 
original; and if it's not OK, it can scream at you.
Dr George D M Ross, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
    Kings Buildings, Mayfield Road, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH9 3JZ
Mail: gdmr at   Voice: +44 131 650 5147   Fax: +44 131 667 7209
 PGP: 1024D/AD758CC5  B91E D430 1E0D 5883 EF6A  426C B676 5C2B AD75 8CC5

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