some questions..

Dirk Traulsen dirk.traulsen at
Tue Jun 6 09:36:11 CEST 2006

Am 27 May 2006 um 19:55 hat Jørgen Lysdal geschrieben:

> I have a revoker on my key that i would like to remove, but i cant
> find a way to do this. Can anyone help? 

If you sent your key to a keyserver, then you are out of luck. There 
is no way to take something back you sent to a keyserver. You can 
only revoke things, but to add a revoker is unrevocable itself for 
security reasons. The only possibility for you is to revoke the key 
by yourself, but that is also the only damage a bad revoker can do to 
your key, so ...

As the addition of a revoker to a key is the addition of a signature, 
there is a non-trivial way to get rid of it, when and only when you 
kept the key for yourself. If this is the case, ask again and I will 
send you instructions.

> another question.
> When i sign a key, is there any way i can set an expiration time for
> the signature? 

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