Corrupting files

Tom Thekathyil tomt at
Mon Jun 12 04:42:56 CEST 2006

A wishes to send message to B.

A encrypts message using B's key. Opens encrypted message and corrupts
the file by altering one or more characters/adding redundant lines of
code, e.g. changes case of first occurrence of 'T' in the code. Saves
file and sends to B.

B will get an error message when trying to decrypt message. However B
knows that the first occurrence of 'T' needs case conversion and edits
file. The edited file is now capable of being decrypted.

Since no one apart from A & B knows how the encrypted file has been
corrupted, this seems to be a method of increasing security.

Question: Is there in theory any way of breaking the corrupted
encryption through brute force?

Regards, tt

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