Linculti 0.1

Robert J. Hansen rjh at
Sun Mar 26 15:18:54 CEST 2006

Feedback from people has so far been generally positive, although
karmically negative: just after getting a good grade back on our problem
assessment and UI proposal, the laptop with our assessment and proposal
on it suffered a hard drive failure.  We still have all of the
results/feedback/final conclusions; it's just that we only have them in
hardcopy now.  We're going to be shooting for an April 20 release for
those--we have to re-type them.

However: we have Occulti working on Linux, OS X and Windows.  On Linux
and OS X it looks kind of slick (especially on Fedora Core 5), even.
Since large parts of the GUI are done, we're releasing what we have so
far so that people can stay abreast of our progress.  First will come
the Linux build, since that's the one we've debugged the most.  OS X and
Windows builds will be coming in days to come.

Please note that this version is barely functional.  This is a preview
of the Occulti UI; it's not a preview of Occulti functionality.  Lots of
stuff simply doesn't work yet.  Updating keys from keyservers works (but
only from the File menu)--but basically nothing else that modifies your
keys does.

Anyway.  Enough said.  Download it for yourself at:

Of course, you shouldn't trust software that comes without a
signature--so grab the detached signature at:

As a word of warning: Linculti expects to find gpg in one of the usual
places: /usr/local/bin, /opt/local/bin, /usr/bin or /opt/bin, checking
in that order.  If it's not there, expect it to malfunction, maybe even
badly.  It also expects you to already have a keyring: if you don't,
expect it to malfunction, maybe even badly.

We welcome all feedback!  If you have thoughts on the UI design of it,
please send it on to me.  Thanks a lot!

	-- Rob, writing for the Occulti dev team
	   (Jacob, Tristan, and Rob)

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