SCM SPR 532 cardreader pinpad

Peter Lebbing peter at
Mon Mar 27 17:56:35 CEST 2006


I bought an OpenPGP card (from along with the SCM 
SPR 532 cardreader, based on the remark in the HOWTO 

"The pinpad may be used to securely enter the PIN without using the 
attached computer."

In the HOWTO they refer to a patch that is no longer available; I couldn't find 
it anywhere, but I suspect it's not needed for recent versions anyway.

Now, I won't document what I've all tried, since my question is pretty basic 
and doesn't need a lot of explanation. I found a message on the archive of 
this userlist:

Is this still true that the pinpad can not be used in GnuPG? If it can be used, 
I'd appreciate a general hint in the right direction, and if I can't figure it out 
then, I'll be back here with lots of detail :).

I must say the way it's phrased in the HOWTO is strange. The SPR 532 is 
described with "pinpad may be used", and the Kobil KAAN Advanced with 
"The keyboard is not yet supported by GnuPG". I honestly don't see much 
difference in practical use when the supporting code in GnuPG is there but 
not "connected" to the rest of GnuPG in the former case.


Peter Lebbing.

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