insecure memory warning in 2.0.0

Doug Barton dougb at
Thu Nov 16 11:04:05 CET 2006

Werner Koch wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Nov 2006 08:47, dougb at said:
>> Dependency: libgcrypt-1.2.3_1
> There are some changes int 1.2.4 but they are for actually printing
> the warning.  Are you sure you see the 
>   Warning: using insecure memory!

gpg --list-keys dougbarton
Warning: using insecure memory!

> The first needs some debugging.  Set a breakpoint to
> secmem.c:lock_pool in libgcrypt. 

Perhaps you can send me more detailed instructions by private mail now
that we know what we're dealing with. It's too late for me to deal
with this tonight (this morning!) in any case.



	If you're never wrong, you're not trying hard enough

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