can't disable core dumps

Juan Felipe Mogollón Rodríguez jfmogollon at
Thu Oct 26 09:27:42 CEST 2006

I found the problem:

It was the SELinux configuration on Fedora Core 4. I put 
SELINUX=permissive in /etc/selinux/conf and it worked.

El lun, 23-10-2006 a las 15:24 +0200, Juan Felipe Mogollón Rodríguez
> Hello to everybody:
> I am trying to make a script to generate a sign configuration files via
> CGI and Perl and I have a problem when I call gpg to sign my generated
> files:
> Here is the sentence that gives me problems:
> $resultado=system("echo $FORM{'$passphrase'}| gpg --yes --no-batch --clearsign /var/www/files/file.txt");
> when I execute that sentence I receive this output in my apache log.
> > [Mon Oct 23 09:13:59 2006] [error] [client] gpg: fatal: , referer:
> > [Mon Oct 23 09:13:59 2006] [error] [client] can't disable core dumps: Permission denied, referer:
> > [Mon Oct 23 09:13:59 2006] [error] [client] secmem usage: 0/0 bytes in 0/0 blocks of pool 0/0, referer:
> > 
> I know that it is not a good practice to send my passphrase in a pipe and that is the mistake. I have tried to work with various cpan perl modules but none of 
> them work in my case.
> GnuGP::Iterface return me the same resulta as "normal" way and GnuGP tell me that gpg cant open shared memory.
> I hope anybody can help me.
> I am using Fedora Core 4 and perl 5.8.6 and gpg 1.4.5.
> Many thanks.
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