Problem interoperating with PGP Univeral?

Patrick Brunschwig patrick at
Mon Apr 2 09:40:39 CEST 2007

David Shaw wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 31, 2007 at 11:29:54PM +0200, Patrick Brunschwig wrote:
>> Blumenthal, Uri wrote:
>>> I am trying to get cleartext-signed PGP/MIME messages produced by PGP
>>> Universal 2.5.3, verified by email clients (Thunderbird- +
>>> Enigmail-0.94.2 + GPG-1.4.7).
>>> So far my experience is:
>>> - Pure plaintext (neither PGP/MIME nor PGP/Partitioned) messages are
>>> verified OK.
>>> - PGP/MIME encrypted and signed messages are decrypted and verified OK.
>>> - PGP/MIME or PGP/Partitioned messages (HTML body and/or attachments)
>>> fail signature verification, with error message from GPG:
>>>   Cleartext signature without data
>>> I've submitted help request to Enigmail list, but perhaps somebody here
>>> can advise me regarding this issue? Maybe there are settings at PGP
>>> Universal that should be changed to make its output "friendlier"? Or
>>> maybe there are GPG setting that would allow verification of those
>>> emails? 
>>> I'll be grateful for any help!
>>> Thank you!
>> I can provide some more details on this. GnuPG 1.4.7 returns with this
>> error message "gpg: can't handle this ambiguous signature data".
>> This is the detached signature that comes with such a message:
>> Version: PGP Universal 2.5.3
>> Ex7VcRL+wBVB2C7lksYAAKCYHvRP7E8vA5jKNgigU0o4kbFn4w==
>> =lOCI
>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> That's just a regular signature.  How does Enigmail call GPG to do the
> verification?
> David

To be 100% clear: Uri has sent me the attached message msg-dump-bad.txt,
which I extracted to file.txt and file.txt.asc.

If I call gpg (1.4.7) with: "gpg --verify file.txt.asc file.txt"

I get: "gpg: can't handle this ambiguous signature data"

That's all the information I have. As far as I can tell, the message
itself looks perfectly fine.

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