The Polish language in gnupg.spec is horrible

Todd Zullinger tmz at
Mon Apr 16 22:06:06 CEST 2007

Werner Koch wrote:
> You need to create an account first.  Sorry for that but it avoids
> spam and helps to make people think before they use the tarcker as a
> help forum.  I add a comment.

Yeah, understandable.  I had created an account and still didn't see
any obvious way to add a comment.  I may just be incredibly dense
today. :)

As far as rpm goes, I'm pretty sure it will happily try to process a
spec file written in various encodings, but the results won't likely
be sane or consistent.  For Fedora, the ascii/utf8 requirement is a
sanity check for packagers so that if someone else edits a spec file
they can be assured that it is either ascii or utf8.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
User, n.: The word computer professionals use when they mean "idiot."
    -- Dave Barry

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