Quantum computing (Robert J. Hansen)

vedaal at hush.com vedaal at hush.com
Thu Apr 19 16:06:23 CEST 2007

>Message: 4
>Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 19:56:48 -0500
>From: "Robert J. Hansen" <rjh at sixdemonbag.org>
>Subject: Re: Quantum computing

>Brute-forcing a 128-bit cipher using a traditional  
>computer is a ridiculous proposition, but using Grover's, it 
>as hard as brute-forcing a 64-bit cipher... hard, but possible.
>So the best way to defend against exhaustive key search in a 
>world is to either (a) trust that quantum computing is going to  
>remain "in just a couple of years" for the next few decades (which 
>may very well be true), or (b) multiply your key sizes by a factor 
>of 2.
>The principal reason why AES supports a 256-bit key is because of 
>possibility of quantum computing and Grover's algorithm.  Brute- 
>forcing a 256-bit cipher with Grover's is as hard as brute-forcing 
>128-bit cipher with a conventional computer... absolutely  
>ridiculous.  :)

am not familiar with quantum physics,
but do have some math background

please confirm if i have understood your post correctly to imply
that if someone uses a straight diceware passphrase
(choosing words as they appear in the diceware list without 
so that a brute force dictionary attack using a diceware word list 
is possible) to protect a message encrypted symmetrically with a 
256 bit algorithm,
then quantum computing could crack the passphrase even if it 
of 10 diceware words,
and that in order to achieve passphrase security at the 128 bit 
a 20 word diceware passphrase would be necessary ?

=====[begin background calculations]===== 

a diceware word list has 7776 possiblities,
7776 = 6^5  (5 dicethrows, 6 possibilities each)

7776 = [(2)(3)]^5

2^(1.58) < 3 < 2^(1.59)

(2)(3) = (2)(2^[1.58]) = 2^[2.58]

(7776) = [(2)(3)]^5 = [2^(2.58)]^5 = 2^(12.9)

to find the number of diceware words that would provide equivalent 
security to a 128 or 256 bit symmetrical algorithm,
we do
(7776)^x = 2^128   and  (7776)^y = 2^256

which becomes
2^[(12.9)x] = 2^128  and  2^[(12.9)y] = 2^256

so the closest integral values for x and y are 10 and 20 
(whether the 1.58 or 1.59 exponents are used)

=====[end background calculations]=====

back to the quantum issue,

does this mean that if quantum computing ever becomes functional
to where a 128 bit symmetrical cipher is feasibly attackable,
then symmetrically encrypted messages, sda's, etc. using 10 
diceware words or less,
are similarly attackable?



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