OpenGPG card indifferent places ?

Matthias Barmeier matthias.barmeier at
Fri Apr 20 12:07:52 CEST 2007

Werner Koch wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Apr 2007 23:25, JPClizbe at said:
>> Ooops, just checked. Secret key on the keyring contains the stub. Export the
>> public and secret parts of the card's key and import them on your home machine.
> The secret key stub will be automagically created.  However itis
> required to import the public key as the card has not enough space to
> store OpenPGp keyblocks.  If the URL field of the card has been set, you
> can just give the command "fetch" in the --card-edit menu.
If I understand you correctly I only have to call something like gpg
--armor --export 0x123456 >
on my office PC and somthing like gpg --import is this correct ??

I tried to investigate what the URL should look like, but I cannot find
an example.
Could you give me some pointers or hints howto form this URL ?



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