gpg-agent: Different TTLs for different keys

Peter S. May me at
Wed Mar 14 19:03:06 CET 2007

I had a workaround in mind that involved using multiple homedirs (one in
~/.gnupg and the other in ~/.backup-system2/crypto/gnupg) and then
spinning up one gpg-agent for each, using the first one's GPG_AGENT_INFO
in the normal shells and the other in the backup scripts only.  To get
the passphrase cached the first time, I'd steal this page from Gentoo's
keychain script:

# The alternate GPG_AGENT_INFO and GNUPGHOME have already been imported
echo | gpg --use-agent --no-tty --sign --local-user backup \
-o - >/dev/null 2>&1

I'll be working on that.

In the meantime, it would be kind of a nice option, and I don't think
it's quite as complex as the issue you mentioned (though I could be wrong).


Werner Koch wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 15:09, me at said:
>> I want to set gpg-agent to handle both, but the TTL on the e-mail key
>> should be 5 minutes and the TTL on the backup key should be indefinite
>> (I should only have to enter it every time I boot).  Is there a way to
>> do this?
> No.  Or not yet.  It is related to
> Shalom-Salam,
>    Werner

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