HowTo make a donation to gpg...

Robert J. Hansen rjh at
Sat Mar 17 01:52:29 CET 2007

> On the gpg-website I've searched for a paypal-donation button or
> something else... Nothing.
> I think, the gpg-team should install a possibility for this on the  
> website.

This has been asked a few times.  The last time it was asked, the  
developers said that it would create a lot of problems.  How should  
the money be split up?  While the developers certainly deserve  
credit, so too do people on mailing lists who help newbies, so too do  
people who search through the code and find bugs, so too do...  
etcetera, etcetera.

However, GnuPG is--as you can guess from its name--a GNU project,  
which means it's closely affiliated with the Free Software  
Foundation.  The FSF is a non-profit charity headquartered in the  
United States, and gratefully accepts donations.

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