converting between detached undetached signatures?

Paul Elliott pelliott at
Tue Nov 6 04:33:52 CET 2007

Another user has created a digital signature. I do not have
the secret key. I want to convert it's form. There are two

1) It is a detached signature, I want to convert it to
a regular undetached signature. (I have the file that
was signed.)

2) It is a regular not detached signature and
I want to convert it to a detached signature.

Can this be done with some obscure gpg command?

If no, perhaps someone has written a utility that
can do this work?

Thank You

Paul Elliott                       1(512)837-1096
pelliott at                    PMB 181, 11900 Metric Blvd Suite J   Austin TX 78758-3117
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