gnupg refuses to work on a read-only filesystem

Daniel Mierswa impulze at
Sat Oct 6 14:26:14 CEST 2007

What do i have to pass to gpg to work on a read-only filesystem and a
homedir which is not available? Meaning to be forced to not create
anything except messages on stdout and stderr and to be forced to not
read anything except the key i want to decrypt.

I tried passing the switches --keyring /dev/null (though i think this is
not the right way to do it) --no-random-seed-file and --lock-never.

Thanks in advance.

Mierswa, Daniel
If you still don't like it, that's ok: that's why I'm boss. I simply
know better than you do.
               --- Linus Torvalds, comp.os.linux.advocacy, 1996/07/22

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