passphrases: the police and subkeys scenario

Rick Valenzuela rick at
Mon Jun 16 20:30:40 CEST 2008

Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> it's grossly inaccurate to say that an airport
> is beyond the laws of the host country.

I said it's "viewed as." It's an interpretation and being taken
advantage of as such. I might've tended toward hyperbole and implied an
uncivilized Wild West of airports, but for some specific instances, yes,
basic expected rights are sometimes no longer operable pre-entry.

For instance, in the U.S., if a non-citizen is being questioned about
entry status, he or she is not entitled to have an attorney present. (A
U.S. citizen is, for any questioning.) Yet, if a noncitizen is detained
in the city, he can have a lawyer present for questioning by police.

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