GnuPG (win32) on a USB stick

Andrew Berg bahamut at
Tue Mar 4 17:02:44 CET 2008

John Clizbe wrote:
> Andrew Berg wrote:
>> John Clizbe wrote:
>>> set GNUPGHOME=x:\location\you\want  
>> It would be inconvenient (and inconsiderate to the host machine's 
>> owner(s)) to set an environment variable on every machine encountered, 
>> wouldn't it? Sven's idea is much better, I think.
> And it shows a clear lack of understanding to think that a SET command at a
> Windows command prompt sets an environment variable permanently or globally. The
> variable exists in the process environment that invoked the command and those
> processes invoked from it.

Actually, it shows that I wasn't thinking quite clearly. For some 
reason, I was thinking of something quite different. Sorry about that.

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