OpenPGP card stopped working

Sven Radde email at
Sun Mar 9 19:40:32 CET 2008


Thanks for your ideas, Harvey.

Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2008, 10:56 -0700 schrieb Harvey Muller:
> If pcscd is running, 

Yes, it is.

> then my guess is that there is something wrong with the smartcard driver.
> (...)
> I'm using a GemPC Twin usb card reader.  To get it to work, I only have to install pcscd.

Same thing here, only that I have an SCM Microsystems SCR335 reader.
Actually, I was somewhat surprised that I had to install PC/SC at all, since <> says that is is "supported by GnuPG directly".

lsusb finds it:
$ lsusb
Bus 003 Device 003: ID 04e6:5115 SCM Microsystems, Inc. SCR335 SmartCard Reader

While playing with ps, I noticed a seahorse-agent running. When killed, a call to gpg --card-status would hang forever. Maybe this is of importance..?

cu, Sven

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