playing with cryptography...

Robert J. Hansen rjh at
Sun May 25 00:55:48 CEST 2008

John W. Moore III wrote:
> Apparently You haven't Interviewed a U.S. College Graduate recently.
> :-\

Or, for that matter, some people with graduate degrees.  As I told a
friend of mine a couple of days ago, "I used to be a lot more impressed
by Master's degrees until they gave me one."

An undergraduate degree in CS is basically a certificate that says
you've learned the basics, you've been exposed to some advanced
concepts, and you're ready to begin learning.  There are some undergrads
who know this and are chomping at the bit for more.  They're some of the
most useful and energetic people I know.

There are, unfortunately, an awful lot who seem to think it means
they're done with learning.  These people tend to be the sort you hear
horror stories about.

> This varies by School, of course, and I am certain that the Univ. of 
> Iowa surpasses most in the Skill Set of it's Graduates.  :-D

UI has a surprisingly good program, but we're hardly immune to human
nature.  :)

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