unable to send key to keyserver

caleb s0x7c0 at netspace.net.au
Sat Apr 4 11:15:15 CEST 2009


I have been reading a book about openPGP and have installed GnuPG. I 
have successfully created a keypair and have created a revocation 
certificate. But when I try and send my key to a keyserver with the command:

gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --send-keys myemail at mydomain.com.au

i get an error:

gpg: "myemail at mydomain.com.au" not a key ID: skipping

I dont know why this happens as this is the email address I used when 
creating the keypair and gpg printed that this address was part of my 
User ID. I tried another command:

gpg --output  pubkey.myemail at mydomain.com.au.gpg.asc --armor --export 
myemail at mydomain.com.au

this worked and printed my public key to a text file. I have no idea why 
it is not accepting my email as part of my user id when I try and send 
keys to the keyserver.


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