where to start?

Dr. Scott S. Jones scott at fyrenice.com
Wed Feb 11 06:13:38 CET 2009

I run both Win xp and ubuntu 8.10. My wife runs win xp on her laptop. We are
at the point now where we both want to enable encrypted emailing AND we want
to find a nice way of educating those we email to often, or with whom we
exchange sensitive information, in how to use gnupg to encrypt email back
and forth. Where should I start? 

"Outside of a dog a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read."
- Groucho

Sandy Chiropractic Office		Dr. Scott S. Jones

V: 801.566.5428				MAILING ADDRESS
F: 801.858.9300				PO Box 1154
E: scott at fyrenice.com			Sandy, Utah 84091-1154
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