Paperkey on windows

David Shaw dshaw at
Sat Jan 10 02:15:29 CET 2009

On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 05:05:50PM -0300, Faramir wrote:
> Hello!
>       I while ago, there was some talk about Paperkey, and John Clizbe
> was very kind and sent me the binary file compiled for ms-windows.
> Today, in other list, I saw a question about "what about windows users?"
> and paperkey, so, I wanted to ask both David Shaw and John Clizbe, if is
>  it OK if I send a copy of the compiled windows binary file to other
> users... If I understood the license the right way, I can send it, as
> long as I include the source code... but while I trust John didn't
> modified the code before sending the compiled file to me, I am not sure
> if I saying "I trust the binary file is true to the tarball, but just
> because I trust the guy that compiled it, I don't have any real proof of
> that" would be enough.

It is absolutely ok and encouraged to send paperkey to whoever wants
it.  There are various ways to comply with the license (the GPL), but
one easy way is to do what you suggest and send a copy of the source
along with the binary.

In terms of trusting - well, that's up to you.  Windows users tend to
have to trust the people who compile things for them.

For what it's worth, I can probably release a Windows binary with the
next release of paperkey, which means it'll be signed by the same key
that signs the source tarball.  John, did you have to do anything
special to get it to build (is this mingw or something else?)


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